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Friday, July 15, 2005

From the bottom of the dish pile

Did you ever have on of those days when you can't work fast enough. Today was one of those days. First of all I did not sleep very well. Just as I was just about to doze off, I started to dream that I was about to fall asleep while driving a car. So I woke up with a startle and had trouble getting back to sleep. Then My day began around 5:30 a.m. I had to finish formating my computer open up the computer took out some a can-o-air and proceeded to blow all the dust bunnies hiding inside. Then I had to load all the drivers and software and since I had backed up all my data and put it on a removable drive, the removeable drive decided to take a puke and I lost all the data including everyone in my address book. Next on the list was to clean out teh fridge. Not my idea of having fun. I also had to remove the doors so that I could check out eh coils in the freezer. I had to do this because water has been accumulating in the bottom for some time. I had postponed this for some time, it just needed to be done. After Reassembling the fridge and reloading and tossing out some science projects, I turned around to see that the dishes were piled high again. Well it was nearing dinner time and I needed space to prepare dinner. I washed the dishes and cooked a Lemon Pepper pork tenderloin, fetteceni alfredo pasta and green and yellow beans with carrots. After dinner...more dishes. How's was your day?

Dyslexic fingers

Anybody have any solution for dyslexic fingers. I seem to always miss spell words. the most common missed spelled word for me is the (I seem to spell it teh). So I am frequently having to reread my typing. Thank goodness for spell checker. I thought that Blogger had spell checker but I don't see it. Remember: GOOD - GOD = O Who's going to be at the picnic tomorrow? If it's cool we will all be there unless Brandon has to work.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Say it isn't so

We had our weekly men's group last night and one of the questions asked was, what keeps you from worshiping God?
One of the answers which came up was blogging. Well that sparked quite a conversation. That conversation led me to this verse:
James 4

17Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins.

I would like to know your take on this?

 Would also like your perspective on what keeps people from truly worshiping God?

Praise God

I want to praise God for taking care of Roy, my father in law. Yesterday at around 10a.m. he was laid off, but the president of the company held a meeting with him and he was offered another position in another department, Thank you Lord.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Great New Day

What a great new day. Yesterday I decided I needed to start back exercising. Nothing major like aerobics, or Tai Bo, just some stretching and light isometrics. All it takes is 5-15 minutes a day. This ol' body has been getting out of shape. But hey that's the American way. Someone has said that we need to be thankful for being squishy. That it's a sign of abundance. For me it's a sign of just being lazy. I'll spend a few days doing the light excercise then I will start working out on the tread mill and weight system. May as well put them to use instead of just collecting dust. Have you put off any decisions that you need to start doing?

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Monday, July 11, 2005

Moving kind of slow Posted by Picasa

Re: Slow going

Things are a little slow today.

avast! Antivirus: Outbound message clean.

Virus Database (VPS): 0528-1, 07/11/2005
Tested on: 7/11/2005 3:44:09 PM
avast! - copyright (c) 1988-2004 ALWIL Software.

Slow going

Things are a little slow today.

avast! Antivirus: Outbound message clean.

Virus Database (VPS): 0528-0, 07/11/2005
Tested on: 7/11/2005 12:23:12 PM
avast! - copyright (c) 1988-2004 ALWIL Software.