Friday, August 05, 2005
Get Up and Get Out
Your mission today (should you choose to accept it) is to get yourself up out of bed and throw yourself out into the world. That's right: Get up and get out.
My, how daring we are! Well, yes, when you consider how dangerous a place the world is, and how inadequate we feel when we try to make a difference in it. But just read this:
For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other the fragrance of life. And who is equal to such a task? (2 Corinthians 2:15-16 NIV)
Now there is a picture you and me having a significant effect on people, churning up reactions as varied as life and death by our mere presence. It's no surprise Paul would wonder, in the next breath, who, if any, might be equal to this task. It's a rhetorical question that he intends to answer, and he does in the next chapter. Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God who has made us adequate(2 Corinthians 3:5-6). In other words, we aren't adequate, but we are. We aren't adequate in ourselves, but we are in Christ. And we find this out we when we jump into the world, believing.
By believing, you are taking the particular characteristics of a believer (a person in whom God's presence is a factor) out into the world, and by nature of your presence in the world and the presence of Christ in your life, you will make a difference. So, you see, it is all about literally throwing yourself out there and trusting that God shows up when you do, even when you don't exactly know what's going to happen next, you just know you'll be ready when it does by nature of the Spirit of God in you. How about that for living dangerously?
As a friend of mine said last night, almost nonchalantly, a true Christian is choosing the most dangerous occupation in the world. I think he's right, not only because Satan is alive and well on planet earth working to discredit those who believe, but because God likes us living on the edge in believing Him. I really don't think faith is mainstream. I don't think it gets the popular vote. Real faith does not win mass-market appeal. True faith is a challenge of wits. It's the mover and shaker of the status quo. Faith kicks us out of our safety net and into the world. If nothing's on the line, then there's no faith required. That's dangerous, but all the more exhilarating when God shows up and shows Himself to be true to His promises.
So get up and get out. It's the only way to truly find out!
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
10 years ago
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
To be an overcomer does not mean that we deny the existence of the enemy. We are not going to overcome by pretending we are not really surrounded. Denying the existence of the adversary will not make him disappear. We acknowledge and admit that there is a real enemy, a real spirit of Antichrist, that is out to destroy the Remnant and hinder the Testimony of Jesus. We also acknowledge and admit that more often than not, this spirit of Antichrist seems to get the advantage over us.
Even so, the issue is not the enemy. We may look at the enemy, study him, and build an entire movement around different ways to fight him. We can write books and hold seminars on "spiritual warfare". But when we look out from the mountain, what do we really see? Here is the difference between those who overcome and those who are defeated: it is not in their ability to fight, but in their ability to SEE, and this seeing is not of themselves, but is of God.