(no subject)
A bell is no bell 'til you ring it, A song is no song 'til you sing it, And love in your heart Wasn't put there to stay - Love isn't love 'Til you give it away.
-- Oscar Hammerstein from "The Sound Of Music"
A bell is no bell 'til you ring it, A song is no song 'til you sing it, And love in your heart Wasn't put there to stay - Love isn't love 'Til you give it away.
-- Oscar Hammerstein from "The Sound Of Music"
Jackie had a job interview yesterday and today she was called for a second interview, scheduled for next Thursday. It amazes me how God offers opportunities. As most of you know Jackie will be losing her job over the next few years. Thanks for your prayers.
WinSock XP Fix
fix XP internet connectivity
Our Rating: 3 stars (Good)
WinSock XP Fix offers a last resort if your Internet connectivity has been corrupted due to invalid or removed registry entries. It can often cure the problem of lost connections after the removal of Adware components or improper uninstall of firewall applications or other tools that modify the XP network and Winsock settings. If you encounter connection problems after removing network related software, Adware or after registry clean-up; and all other ways fail, then give WinSock XP Fix a try. It can create a registry backup of your current settings, so it is fairly safe to use. We actually tested it on a test machine that was having a Winsock problem due to some Adware removal, and after running the utility and rebooting, the connectivity was restored.