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Thursday, November 09, 2006

Quote of the day

"The repetition of small efforts will accomplish more than the occasional use of great talents." - Charles H. Spurgeon

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Murder Scene

Yes, we have a cereal killer. I woke up this morning to find this murder scene. The package of cereal was hard to open so Krysten took it out of the box and proceeded to open the package. When the package finally gave way, the contents (Life) cereal spewed all over the counter and floor. This Life, as we know it, has ended.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Inveraray Castle

This castle is part of Jackie's heritage! She is part of the Campbell Clan. I can't help but think of Princess Diaries and Genovea. Would that make me Sir Bruce?

Where is Inveraray Castle On Loch Fyne, between Glasgow and Oban

It is still a family home, and a shrine to the Campbell Clan

The parts which are open to the public are the main reception rooms and a suite of former bedrooms. One of the upstairs rooms is now the `clan' room containing a vast Campbell family tree In the towering entrance hall has the shields of different Campbell families on the ceiling

History of Inveraray Castle Built in the mid 18th century on the site of an earlier building, Inveraray Castle is a fine early example of Scottish Baronial style

It seems to have acquired a reputation for ghosts.

In 1644 the Duke of Argyll was driven from Inveraray by the Marquis of Montrose. the Duke's harpist was left behind, and discovered by Montrose, who ordered the man's execution. The ghost of the harpist still wanders the castle, wearing his Campbell tartan and playing his harp

On 10th July 1758 a Physician called William Hart was walking in the grounds with two other men. To their astonishment, they saw a battle taking place in the sky, between Highland soldiers and French soldiers. The Highlanders, they saw, had to retreat, leaving many dead behind. Two ladies also saw the battle in the sky. It was some weeks later that news arrived from America telling how a Highland regiment had lost 300 men on that day attacking a French held fort Also there is said to be a ghost that foretells the imminent demise of the Clan Campbell chief. It is said that a ghostly galleon, similar to the one on the Campbell coat of arms, sails up Loch Fynne and does not stop when it reaches land, instead continuing to sail on over the land