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Saturday, June 10, 2006

Where to put your troubles

"Put your troubles in a pocket that has holes in it."

Thursday, June 08, 2006

What is keratoconus?

Keratoconus is a disorder of the anterior surface of the eye (the cornea). In simple terms keratoconus causes the bulging of the cornea from its normal round shape to a cone shape. This interferes with a person's vision and can severely affect the way they see the world making simple tasks like reading, watching TV or driving very difficult. The distortion caused by keratoconus has been compared to viewing a street sign through your car windscreen during a driving rainstorm. The progression of keratoconus is unpredictable. While keratoconus interferes with the clarity of a person's sight it rarely causes blindness. In its early stages, keratoconus causes slight blurring and distortion of vision and increased sensitivity to glare and light.

What causes Keratoconus?

The characteristics of keratoconus have been known for at least 200 years, but the specific causes are still undetermined. Several theories have been proposed. One scientific theory is that keratoconus is genetic in origin. About 7% of patients have other family members with the disease. Another view holds that keratoconus represents a degenerative condition. A third theory suggest that keratoconus is secondary to some disease process. There is even a hypothesis that keratoconus may involve the endocrine system. While there are many theories, research into keratoconus continues.

How is Keratoconus treated?

As keratoconus advances, rigid gas permeable (RGP) contact lenses are the first choice to correct vision adequately. Most of the time, this is a permanent remedy. Because of the progression of the disease, it is important that lenses are fitted with great care and are reassessed at least annually by eye care professionals. The Rose K^(TM) lens is internationally recognized as the leading lens for keratoconus. Its complex geometry takes into account the conical shape in the cornea for all stages of the condition. As a result the entire lens fits better over the eye. For most patients this means better comfort and optimum visual acuity.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Great Community of Praise message

Last Friday Tom had a great message for the Community of Praise service. Just this past week Jackie and I placed our home up for sale. We are trying to sell it ourselves. Someone has relocated our for sale signs, uprooted one of them and tossed into the farmers field. I plucked it out of the field and placed it right back where I had originally posted the sign. Now it has been run over several times and one of the fasteners has become broke. Well I was discouraged and wanting to call in the ordinance officer to enforce the 33 foot from the center of the road law (from the center of the road out 33 feet on each side belongs to the county road commission). Tom gave a message that I thought was directed at me. For the life of me I can't remember exactly what the message was but it went something like this: treat others like you would like to be treated. Don't take matters into your (my) own hands. I check the signs regularly and and I do any repairs as needed. God has a buyer out there for this place. Thanks Tom for a much needed message of conviction. I needed it!