Kodiak's Blog

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Tuesday, June 28, 2005


This site has closed down. It's been nice Blogging with all of you. Have a nice summer. Love all of you. Be Blessed always, Bruce

Jonah The unwilling

We all know th story of Jonah and the big fish, but do you know the rest of the story. Did you ever ask why does Jonah not want to go to Nineveh. Who were the Ninevites? These are the people that everybody hated because, because they were so ruthless; they gouged out people's eyes; they cut off ears and noses of their victims. These are horrible people! Ninevites worshiped a fish-headed god name 'Dagon'. So to the Ninevites this man Jonah, who claimed to speak for God, and whom was delivered unto them by an immense fish, must be a Divine sign. The Ninevites took to Jonah and his message like a fish takes to water (sorry, could pass that up). But seriously, if they worshiped a fish god, and this man was delivered (sent) to them by a fish, they would almost worship him, and would most certainly heed any warning he delivered. Perhaps this was Almighty God's plan all along. And when the big fish brought Jonah to the shore, and the people say Jonah stumbling down the beach, the word got out, and the city was ready to do whatever Jonah said. Jonah said repent, and the king decreed that everyone repented, and that is exactly what happened. Though Jonah didn't know it, what he did played right into God's plan, and the whole city thought Jonah came from Dagon, after all, to them Dagon was God, and he sent them Jonah, and left him on the beach.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

God Can Use Anyone

* Moses stuttered. * David's armour didn't fit. * John Mark was rejected by Paul. * Timothy had ulcers. * Amos' only training was in the school of fig-tree pruning. * Jacob was a liar. * David had an affair. * Solomon was too rich. * Abraham was too old. * David was too young. * Peter was afraid of death. * Lazarus was dead. * John was self-righteous. * Naomi was a widow. * Paul was a murderer. * So was Moses. * Jonah ran from God. * Miriam was a gossip. * Gideon and Thomas both doubted. * Jeremiah was a bullfrog; * Just kidding -- he was depressed and suicidal. * Elijah was burned out. * Martha was a worry-wart. * Mary may have been lazy. * Samson had long hair. * Noah got drunk, and that's not all. * Did I mention that Moses had a short fuse? * But God doesn't require a job interview. * He doesn't hire and fire like most bosses, * because He's more our Dad than our Boss. * He doesn't look at financial gain or loss. * He's not prejudiced or partial, not judging, grudging, * sassy, or brassy, not deaf to our cry, not blind to our need. A Christian minister once said, “I was never of any use until I found out that God did not intend me to be a great man.”

Most Awesome Lord

Lord, you are, most awesome, When I am down you pick me up. And set my feet upon higher ground, You lift me up from the deep mess I get myself into Because you have always loved me. Lord, you are, most awesome, how can I begin to praise you, first in my heart, then to my mouth, and the rest of my being, I shall raise my hands, as a symbol that I adore you, and I say thanks, most awesome Lord. Thank you for lifting my spirts, when I am feeling low, and for putting my enemy in his place thanks again for loving me, even though I do not deserve your love I'll shout it from the mountain top you are most awesome Lord.