Jonah The unwilling
We all know th story of Jonah and the big fish, but do you know the rest of the story. Did you ever ask why does Jonah not want to go to Nineveh. Who were the Ninevites? These are the people that everybody hated because, because they were so ruthless; they gouged out people's eyes; they cut off ears and noses of their victims. These are horrible people! Ninevites worshiped a fish-headed god name 'Dagon'. So to the Ninevites this man Jonah, who claimed to speak for God, and whom was delivered unto them by an immense fish, must be a Divine sign. The Ninevites took to Jonah and his message like a fish takes to water (sorry, could pass that up). But seriously, if they worshiped a fish god, and this man was delivered (sent) to them by a fish, they would almost worship him, and would most certainly heed any warning he delivered. Perhaps this was Almighty God's plan all along. And when the big fish brought Jonah to the shore, and the people say Jonah stumbling down the beach, the word got out, and the city was ready to do whatever Jonah said. Jonah said repent, and the king decreed that everyone repented, and that is exactly what happened. Though Jonah didn't know it, what he did played right into God's plan, and the whole city thought Jonah came from Dagon, after all, to them Dagon was God, and he sent them Jonah, and left him on the beach.
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