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Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Out of Egypt

During time of the Old testament, Moses led God's people out of Egypt. Like Moses, Jesus has come to take us out of Egypt (earth) and bring us to the Promise Land (Heaven). In current times, we are often asked to not practice our faith and and beliefs. I was told, over Memorial day, that a friend was asked to leave his beliefs at the door if he wanted to continue to work for the company. How do you respond to statements like that? He has worked for his firm for many years and he has done an impeccable job. But now he has to decide whether he will keep his job and have to remain silent about his beliefs or try to find another job where he has the freedom to speak. My question, as Christians do we have the right to file a freedom of speech grievance against the company? Or as one friend says in speaking about accepting Christ as savior and dying to self says "we are corpse's and corpse have no rights". Didn't Jesus warn us when He said " men will hate you because of me." What astounds me is the claim that America is 70-85% Christian. What I see is a godless religion with no morals or values except their own! Lord help America.


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