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Wednesday, August 03, 2005

10 years ago

Ten years ago I had the privalige of working with YFC and going to Kenya to do a missions project with Project Serve. With the team I had an oportunity to build a home for these street boys. Fifty boys living in and sharing 3 tents. the tents were only 6-man tents. The work was laboriest, we had to manually use a pick axe to break up the ground and pour the foundation. We had to dig our our sand to mix with the cement, hand carry it about 1/2-3/4 of a mile. We ended up spreading ourselves out and only had to walk about 15 steps carrying bagfulls of sand. These boys worked hard and did not whine about the heat or the hard work. Some of the children worked as hard as the adults. We had to hand mix the cement, sand and water using only 2 shovels. I have several slides, I will try to convert them to pictures and post them here. By the way, the little boy pictured with the young lady has already spent 1 year in prison just for being a street kid.


  • So it is against the law to be a street kid....where do they expect these chldren to go, if they do not have a home??

    By Blogger Four-Leaf K' lover, at August 03, 2005 2:09 PM  

  • Sometimes they go to an uncle's but most of the time they become street kids and either the government puts them in prison or they shoot them because of being a nuicence to society. Places like YFC's Taraja home can only take in so many. YFC trains the boys how to work with metal and welding skills, so they can be productive members of society. When I stepped off the airplane and had to wait for our ride I saw children huffing glue just to git rid of the hunger pains. It's truly sad.

    By Blogger Kodiak, at August 03, 2005 2:22 PM  

  • How sad that we live in times such as these. We must continue to pray for others in these circumstances and thanks to bring it closer to home. What a blessing you were to so many people and I am sure you will continue to bless someone else.

    By Blogger michelle, at August 03, 2005 3:12 PM  

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