Dyslexic fingers
Anybody have any solution for dyslexic fingers. I seem to always miss spell words. the most common missed spelled word for me is the (I seem to spell it teh). So I am frequently having to reread my typing. Thank goodness for spell checker. I thought that Blogger had spell checker but I don't see it.
Who's going to be at the picnic tomorrow? If it's cool we will all be there unless Brandon has to work.
I'm really looking forward to it! It should be a great time.
I misspell (one word) tons of stuff. I use dictionary.com constantly. As for the dyslexic fingers...I am always getting b's and p's confused. Wierd!
Russell, at July 15, 2005 9:43 AM
Come on Kodiak, just suck it up and accept my criticism when it comes your way. I usually won't harass someone on their spelling though unless they are harassing me first (i.e. Pedro's post today). Just know that no matter what we all love one another and that no message is lost because of a mispelled word or tow! BBT
Doug E. Pudge, at July 15, 2005 1:11 PM
I was not being critical of your post. I was only stating that I have dyslexic fingers that like to mispell words frequently.
Kodiak, at July 15, 2005 1:39 PM
You know what, you are not able to hear the tone that is in my head when I write. I was jesting at most with you. I don't believe in anyway that you were being critical! I was just wanting to mess with you a little. BBT
Doug E. Pudge, at July 15, 2005 1:51 PM
tow ss's in misspell... LOL!
Russell, at July 15, 2005 1:51 PM
Really! Maybe that was by design or was it? hmmmmmmmmmmm! BBT
Doug E. Pudge, at July 15, 2005 3:08 PM
I do suffer from a little known ailment referred to as "capitalitis" it Manifests itself, but causing the afflicted to Randomly capitalize words for no apparent Reason.
wowgirl, at July 18, 2005 7:48 AM
Kodiak..I also have the dyslexic spelling syndrome. I attribute it to too many years of internet chat, emailing and now blogging. I used to be a 100% speller..weird.
Tortikat, at July 18, 2005 11:00 PM
Hmmm..did I spell "weird" wrong or did Russell? :>)
Tortikat, at July 18, 2005 11:01 PM
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