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Sunday, April 16, 2006

Praising a little too loudly

- Wednesday night, Toledo police paid the United Methodist Church on Upton a visit after neighbors complained. Police say if it's after nine o'clock at night, music should be turned down a bit. That rule applies to churches.
Singing, clapping, jumping: at this church, that's what they do. This week, there's even more celebration as Easter Sunday approaches. On warm nights, the windows are open as music fills the air. But Wednesday night a Toledo police officer paid this church a visit after receiving several noise complaints.

Police Sgt. Richard Murphy told us, "I talked with police officers. They said you could hear the music for two blocks down the street and it was after 9 p.m. at night." Church member Stephanie Kynard said, "It was just a total surprise for them to come in on us like that when we were in worship and praising God." Guest speaker Todd Hall agreed, saying, "I'm not saying what they did was wrong. The approach was wrong."

According to police, the officer was just doing her job. Some neighbors across the street say at times the music can be a bit too loud. While Wednesday night's incidents remains on the minds of many, this church will continue to praise, loud and clear.

Police say these types of calls are low on their priority list although they say it is not unusual to receive noise complaints about a church.


  • I am not certain where I stand on this issue. On one side, if I arrived home after a long hard of work or perhaps if I was sleeping in order to work the midnight shift I would probably speak to the church officials and give them an opportunity before I would contact officials.
    On the other side most concerts are louder than praise music and continue well into the night.

    By Blogger Kodiak, at April 16, 2006 12:52 PM  

  • Kodiak, You know how much that I love to praise God and do His will. I have been known to do that loudly at times. A church should be allowed to praise the Lord at whatever volume they desire but at the same time they (and we) must respect the laws of the land. A worship service going after 9 p.m. in the evening during the week! That is getting pretty late. I believe though that with good communication and some good old fashioned common sense, this can be taken care of respectfully and tactfully. B4T

    By Blogger Doug E. Pudge, at April 17, 2006 9:33 AM  

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