"A religious person is trying to avoid hell; a spiritual person has already been there."
Religion is the nemesis of Christianity, and these types of contrasts point that out. Religious people are stuck in a religious points system that keeps track of everything. They are actually pretty confident that hell can be avoided based on their own point tally. By contrast, keeping track is the last thing spiritual people want to do, because their track record condemns them. They believe that they deserve hell and get heaven by God's grace. Spiritual people are constantly pinching themselves because they can't believe their good fortune. The last thing they want to do is tally up points, because that will only confirm what they already know: they don't have enough. Never will.
Religion is a system; spirituality is a state of being, made possible by a relationship. Religion is trying to please God; spirituality is enjoying God. Religion is Martha fussing in the kitchen; spirituality is Mary listening at the feet of Jesus. Religion keeps the score; spirituality keeps the faith.
You can see how religion has kept a lot of people from Christianity. It's a shame, because there couldn't be anything farther from the truth of what it means to know God
Great post! Hope you don't mind but I sent the link to a friend so he could read this.
loved truly, at November 07, 2005 10:55 AM
For most people, I would have to agree w/ you. There are some who use religion as a method of practicing their spirituality. I am speaking specifically of my parents. I was raised devoutly Catholic, and although I don't still subscribe to that particular body of teaching, my parents do.
Does this mean that they haven't accepted Jesus as their personal savior? NO. They taught me from a very young age that this is true. They each singly and together have a deep relationship with Jesus, He is also at the center of their marriage of 37 years!
I agree that religion can divide, but if you keep religion in perspective, and remain faithful to Jesus, religion can help bring people together.
Great post, very thought provoking!
Swinging Sammy, at November 07, 2005 9:13 PM
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