What Hell could be like
I won't be able to acturately tell you what Hell will be like but I can give you what I felt one stormy night. One night when it was late and the sea waves were at least 40 foot high, I went to go outside to watch the storm, I always enjoy watching a storm. What I wasn't prepared for is when you are out to sea, there are no city lights to light up the night sky. The ships lights were all off so there was no light. As I stepped outside and closed the door I felt the emptiness and ackward erie feeling crept over me. It didn't help knowing the ship was being tossed about. I have not been alone in total darkness. Despair and feelings of hopelessness quickly overcame me. I was alone and it was my decision that put me there. My decision alone. I didn't like the feeling, the feeling of helplessness overcame me and I opened the door and went back inside, and was relieved that I had a way out. Today, we still have a way out, we can decide not to go to hell and experience the agony, emptiness, helplessness and hopelessness, Christ died for our sins, we need his foriveness and we need to live for him, daily.
Dark=absence of light
Hell=absence of Jesus.
Jesus is the Light of the World.
Great thoughts.
I too have been in pitch blackness, it rapidly begins to close in on you, suffocating! Your description of your feelings is exactly how I felt at that point!
Swinging Sammy, at November 07, 2005 9:16 PM
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