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Friday, November 18, 2005


PAUL WITH AQUILA AND PRISCILLA (Acts 18:1-4,18-21,24-28) PROBING YOUR OWN HEART How zealous are you for the truth you know? Is your heart open to truth you do not yet know? BUILDING ON SOME FOUNDATIONAL CONCEPTS God uses people where they are. Aquila and Priscilla had to leave Rome against their will. Yet, whether in Corinth or Ephesus, they were available and useful to God. In a spiritual sense, Apollos was not yet where he should have been, but God still used him mightily. That is not unusual for God! God moves people to where He wants them. Using an edict from a heathen ruler, God relocated Aquila and Priscilla to where He wanted them next. Then He used Paul to relocate them again. And again in a spiritual sense, God used Aquila and Priscilla to "relocate" Apollos. Though God uses us where we are, that is only the beginning. He continually moves us to where He wants us to be, thus gradually molding us into what He wants us to become. May He find us moldable, teachable, and lead able. God uses people to do His work. Surely Aquila and Priscilla would have preferred to have God get them out of Rome on His own. Surely Apollos would have preferred to have God Himself teach him His ways more perfectly. Yet in each instance, God *did* do the moving and the teaching...using humans in the process. Will you yield to His ways even in this? Even teachers need teachers. The inspired record establishes Apollos as a gifted, effective teacher. The record also shows even he needed those who would teach him!


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