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Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Awile back I read a story which went something like this: Nepoleon Boneapart was conducting a surprize inspection of the troops. All went well until he came upon a soldier who wasn't propery behaving. Who knows what the behavior was, perhaps it was telling off color or mocking how terrible it was to be in the military or possibly putting himself down. Whatever the conduct was it was Nepoleon either heard the this guy saying it or recxeived a report about this man's behavior. Needless to say the Commander in Chief wasn't happy about the news. As the story goes on the mention Nepoleon Boneapart approached this man and asked 'what is your name?' The soldier replied 'my name is Nepoleon. sir.' 'Soldier' replied the commander, 'either change your behavior or change your name!!' When we became christian's we took on Christ's name. He is our Commander in Chief! As he walks among his troops, watching our every action, listening to our conversation, well he need to have a one on one conversation and tell us the to "Either change our behavior or change your name!"


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